Applying to HLVP

How do I apply?

Please join our mailing list for updates regarding the next submission period.

Please note: Submission of an application does not guarantee acceptance. The program application process is competitive. If qualified, you will receive an invitation to schedule an interview. Within one month of your interview, you will be notified if you’ve been accepted.

Not able to apply online? Download an application to print and send →


What is included in the program?

The HLVP is a 10-month business incubator program designed to help Harlem businesses producing locally made items succeed in the retail marketplace. The program includes:

Business Education

The Harlem Local Vendor Program provides intensive business education to help vendors scale successfully.

Contracting Opportunities

HLVP participants receive multiple business development opportunities.

Business Support

A key to HLVP’s success is the ongoing support provided by communities of peers, mentors, and partners during the program and beyond.


Shop Harlem Made is a movement that supports Harlem's artisanal entrepreneurs through social media, video content, local events, and an online directory.


What is the cost of the program?

There is no fee to participate, but there is a small application fee and large time commitment. If accepted to the HLVP program, vendors also agree to pay the discounted vendor booth rate for large-scale vendor fairs.


Am I eligible to apply?

All vendors are welcome to apply regardless of business size or experience. However, participation in the program requires proof of vaccination and will require MWBE certified status. Candidates that do not have MWBE certified status at the time of application will receive assistance during the program to obtain MWBE certification status prior to completion of the program.

Participation in HLVP also requires a significant time commitment. Accepted vendors will learn from technical assistance partners and their peers. They will be required to attend scheduled business education classes, complete at least five hours of one-to-one small business counseling and sell their products at three HLVP marketplace vendor events to ensure that they are ready to ”pitch” to the purchasing partners/buyers at the conclusion of the program.